It is what it is....
Being ready for anything 😌
It's a blessing and a mindset that may take years to build for some
For some of us it has to take the lowest part of our lives to then breakthrough to change the victim mentality
You take the resources, therapy, using techniques that will help daily
When you've reached the stage of, their opinion doesn't impact me..
You know you've won 🏆
Place yourself where you allow only the most important statements affect you and then only to gain insight and improve on yourself
Let others be who they are
You be who you are
Change only when needed and it's OK with you
Temporary changes to please others are not worth the effort most of the time 💯
So take your time ⏲️ to change your mindset and the way you handle emotions
That will lead to a more permanent shift, that will advantage you and others around you 🌎
Be who you want for a better you; rather than a Temporary goodun for others
Expect less and do the best you can do ❤️