Closure is over rated at times
At other times it is much needed to close doors 🚪 So you can use this as a resource to move forward
You know within what you need.
You know within what is required for you to make the changes that will help you grow
Your day to day will only be changed once we admit that we need the change
We require the resources that fall into our path
We also like to cover up , bottle it and move on
It's possible that you can do autopilot and move on
You can go through the rituals of life, to prove that you're strong 💪
But for how long and how long will it be before you crack 🤔
Before you implode with the irrational emotions that will bubble up as a consequence
Know your boundaries
Know your needs
Admit you need help
Use the resources around you to help you up
And carry on
Because you have a purpose
You have goals, ambitions and more than that you have a life that most only hope for ✨️